

  • American Baptist: Rediger, G. Lloyd. Coping With Clergy Burnout, Valley Forge: Judson Press, 1982
  • ELCA: Halaas, Gwen. The Right Road: Life Choices for Clergy, Minneapolis: Fortress, 2004
  • Lehr, J. Fred. Clergy Burnout: Recovering from the 70 Hour Week…and Other Self-Defeating Practices, Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005
  • Reformed Church: Scazzaro, Peter. The Emotionally Healthy Church, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003
  • United Church of Christ: Eppperly, Bruce Gordon and Katherine Gould Epperly. Feed the Fire! Avoiding Clergy Burnout, Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2008
  • United Methodist Church: Shawchuck, Norman and Roger Heuser. Leading the Congregation: Caring for Yourself While Serving the People, Nashville: Abingdon, 2010
  • Willimon, William H. Clergy and Laity Burnout, Nashville: Abingdon, 1989


Support for Renewal

Clergy Retreats

  • Episcopal Church: CREDO

*This listing of clergy burnout resources was prepared by the International Parish Nurse Resource Center (IPNRC) for the Health Task Force of the National Council of Churches and was used in the Fall, 2010 issue of Parish Nurse Perspectives (Vol.9, Issue 3), a publication of the IPNRC.  Used with permission of the IPNRC.