HMA defines resources as information to assist in the planning and development of health ministries and faith community nursing within communities of faith.
Where to begin to find resources
- American Diabetes Association
- American Heart Association
- Assisted Living Nursing Homes
- Chaplain Organizations
- CaringBridge
- Denominational
- Hospital/Health Systems
- Government
- Department of Health
- Universities
- Seminaries
- Denominational Headquarters
- Hotlines
- Hospital Community Education Programs
- Hospital Health Ministry FCN Programs
- Drug Education Centers
- Nutrition Programs
- Services to Children, Families, and Seniors
- Support Groups
- Health Clinics
- Minority Health programs
- Mental Health Programs
Mental Health
There are literally thousands of health-related Internet resources maintained by government agencies, universities, and nonprofit and commercial organizations. The Department of Health and Human Services suggests the following questions to help determine the reliability of a Web site:
- Who maintains the site? Government or university-run sites are among the best sources for scientifically sound health and medical information.
- Is there an editorial board or another listing of the names and credentials of those responsible for preparing and reviewing the site’s contents? Can you contact them?
- Does the site link to other sources of medical information? A reputable organization will not position itself as the sole source of information on a particular topic.
- When was the site last updated? Generally, the more current the site, the more likely it is to provide timely material.
- Are informative graphics and multimedia files available? If so, it should be used to help explain medical information, not substitute for it.
- Does the site charge an access fee? If so, be sure it offers value for the money.
- Search for toll-free numbers of health information (Healthfinder) from the National Health Information Center (NHIC). There are 35 pages of toll-free numbers to access health materials. One can also find specific information on almost any disease process.